Friday, September 27, 2013

Valve's Controller Announcement

Rushed News - Valve's new controller, Mighty No.9 Adds vita and 3ds support to stretch goals, and Sony releases a Special Edition trailer for their new title Beyond: Two Souls. 

Valve's New Controller

The only thing I could think to say when I saw Valve's new controller was "really?", and I feel like that was a very appropriate response. Now, not to teared down the walls before I check the lock on the door, but the design of this thing is hideous. Who would want to set their controller down on their coffee table, to then feel like it is staring at you awaiting you hands to cuddle it again. Not me. I know that analog sticks are rapidly becoming the "old timey" way to move around in games, but with all of this touch sensitive technology infiltrating the gaming industry, I can't help but feel a little worried.

Valve's Controller Article HERE
 I trust Valve as company to be looking out for gamers better interest, not best just better, but did it have to come at such a steep price? All I wanted from Valve's controller was something that would feel nice in my grubby gaming hands and something that is nice to look at. Since I can't hold one, yet, I have no idea how well its going feel in my gaming mittens, but for me it definitely fails in the looks department

Mighty No9 Stretch Goal Update 

Having shared many gaming experiences with the old side-scrolling action/adventure game Mega-man (or Rocman if you are native of that term), I was more than excite to see Keiji Inafune fall back on his roots and bring us another Mega-man. I know that Might No9 looks exactly like Mega-man and I 'm sure that hardcore Mega-man fans will be upset the staggering similarities, but I am confident that Mighty No9 will innovate the old-school side-scrolling style games for the better. 

Kickstarter Page HERE
The real question is,"should I support the game's release on a platform that I will not play on?" I believe that question is a double-edge sword. The reason I say that is on one hand why would I want to spend extra money for the game even though it already has enough to be made, but then on the other, with extra money wouldn't that mean more resources for them to make a better game? Decisions, decisions, I have already mine. What's yours?

Beyond: Two Souls - Special Edition Trailer

I am already looking forward to Beyond: Two Souls. So, to see this trailer didn't nothing for me, except make me want it all the more. I love the premise and I love the fact that the game industry is opening up to allow more that just what we normally call voice-actors into the fray. Seeing Ellen Page and Willem Defoe being a part of video game encourages me to look to the future of what is possible with the medium and how it can influence generations for years to come. 

With that intensely open interpretation I bid you all a fantastic evening and encourage you to also look ahead to the future and be proud that you are a gamer.

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