Friday, September 27, 2013

WildStar Ability Mechanics- Rushed News

Rushed News - Wildstar released another Devspeak video, Microsoft gets scared of Valve's "Steam Machines", and FF13's Lightning will be making an appearance in FF14:ARR.

Wildstar DevSpeak Video

As a long time follower of Carbine studios's Wildstar, I am always happy to see more progress and more discussion on the game. From its zany sense of humor, infinite charm, and awe-inspiring job/class system, what's not to love about the project? Another reason I have become such an avid follower of the game is because of its interests in tailoring a game to an individual while at the same time creating a world that could meet the gaming needs of millions. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to support the game. More importantly, though, you as the consumer will be sending a powerful message to publishers and developers that we the gamers can help make the game better. All you have to do is ask.

DevSpeak Video HERE
 Wildstar's DevSpeak is a video series centered on presenting the subtle but necessary differences to help the game stand out amongst hundreds of MMOs. In their latest video, titled "Ability Mechanics," Wildstar is shown to be separate from the standard "ability types" e.g; Instant, Cast time, and Channel.
Instead Wildstar brings us a much more hands on approach towards abilities by charging up abilities by holding down a button, allowing us to release said button in order to make a hasty escape, and  erging players to chase down enemies without giving up there channel abilities.

Microsoft Scared of Valve's "Steam Machines"

Garnering the support of millions of gamers has given Valve a powerful voice in the gaming industry. Powerful enough to challenge even the biggest of the gaming behemoths with a wink, a smile, and a army of bitter gamers who feel that the top dogs need to share a little something to the mutts. I'm pretty sure that Microsoft had this idea on there radar months before Valve made any announcements, and when Valve spoke up, Microsoft entered DEFCON2. However, as the Valve fan-boy that I am, I proud to support and encourage new ideas when it comes to gaming, and Valve's push for making hardware is what the industry needs.  

Gamespot Article HERE
As gaming entered into the modern generation the old classics have begun to fade away like Sega. Even Nintendo is finding it difficult to keep up the older gamer fan base of Xbox's and Playstation's, relying on kid games and kid friendly devices. Now, we have Valve ushering in a new wave of pc/console hybrids that will begin to unify gamers under one banner. Guess who finds that disconcerting... Microsoft's Corporate VP Phillip Harrison who, in an interview with Eurogamer, said, "The announcement was only made last night so I'm still studying all the facts Valve has released. but Valve is a very impressive company, and obviously we're going to be watching what they do with great interest."

Lightning will appear in Final Fantasy 14:ARR

Ever wanted to see Final Fantasy 13's Lightning randomly pop up in your favorite new MMO, well here's your chance! A recently released trailer shows footage of a Lightning and two of the Eidolons from FF13 in the newly released Final Fantasy 14: ARR. The Trailer also shows what appears to be a line of female characters wearing Lightning outfits with one very depressed looking male wearing a Snow outfit. 

I did a little bit of research on this and discovered via a great video my Mr.Happy that there are apparently going to be story based reasons as to how Lightning suddenly popped into this radically different realm. Now I am a fan of the SquareEnix cross-over as much as the next person but this is a bit much. I would much rather have purchasable Lightning, or other character, outfits that I could get in-game just for the nostalgia's sake of doing it. However, as much as my brain wants say no and shun its ever-increasing curiosity of how they are going to pull it off, I will keep an objective mind and try to enjoy content as much as possible.   

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