Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Free Trial- Rushed News

Rushed News Sept. 25th - Guild Wars 2 Free Trial, Valve reveals new "Steam Machines, and Every Sci-fi Starship in one picture

Guild Wars 2 Free Tria

Arenanet, creators of Guild Wars 2, the no-subscription MMO, have released plans for a free to play trial period, beginning Sept. 27th and ending Oct 3. A clever time to have the trial ends as Arenanet also announced the release date of it most recent permanent content patch titled Twilight Assault, which goes live Oct. 1. That give two days to experience all of new content just recently added, but at the same time, unless you can level super-humanly fast, you will be far too busy explore all that the land of Tyria has to offer you. It is important to note though that Guild Wars 2 is a buy once game and what I mean by that is, you won't have to keep forking up the cash to play the game like other MMO's. Drop your $49.99 for the game and that's it! Enjoy your stay in Tyria!

Guild Wars 2 Charr Engineer
I personally have had a great time with this game, whether I was a Charr, Human, Norn, Asuran, or Sylvari. In case you were wondering the gameplay footage is Guild Wars 2. It is the starting zone for new Sylvari players. My personal favorite race to play was the Norn, but I based that on my affinity for Viking culture.

Valve Reveals New Hardware

In an article released by Gamespot, the software company Valve has confirmed that it is working to create hardware in addition to its recently revealed SteamOS. The hardware was referred to as "Steam Machines," and the company described them saying," a powerful new category of living room hardware." Valve announced that it plans to ship out 300 "Steam Machines" to select Steam users, free of charge, for testing. Registration ends on Oct. 25th, so you still have a month to get your particulars in order for a fighting chance at getting one of these brutes.  

It certainly looks like Valve is placing pretty little red and white target circles on anyone it can find. First, Valve announced earlier that is was in process of developing a new Linux-based OS in retaliation to Microsoft's complacency of gamers and Window's push to be more mobile friendly (essentially all there is to Windows 8, minus some Aero updates). Now, Valve is challenging the big dogs of gaming, the consoles. Since Microsoft is already on the top of Valve's hit list, I'll over look the attack on the Xbox One, but to go up against Sony's new PS4? God, help them. I mean that too. I have been a supporter of Valve ever since I became really serious about gaming as more than just a hobby. 

Every Starship Available In One Picture

If you have ever sat down on your couch, lain on your comfy bed, or graced the porcelain throne and wondered to yourself what a Star Destroyer would look like compared to the Starship Enterprise. Put your wondering brain cells to rest and feast your sci-fi eyes on this.

Zoom-in Click Here

That's right! Its a giant picture of every iconic starship ever made. From the behemoths of the Star Wars expanded universe to Firefly's tiny, but still imposing Alliance ships, this picture's got them all. So, have fun picking apart the image and looking for your favorite ships!

That's all for news, have a fantastic day! 

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