Monday, September 30, 2013

Xbox One Worldwide Tour - Rushed News

Rushed News - the Xbox One Worldwide tour begins Oct. 1, Gamestop pre-orders of Beyond Two Souls are getting an upgrade, and my channel, RushGamingNews&Reviews, is now partnered with the Vultra network.

Xbox One Worldwide Tour

In an article released by Gamespot, Microsoft announced the Xbox One Worldwide tour, that is scheduled to roll through 75 cities and is set begin Oct. 1. As shown on the article it appears that information detailing plans for the tour were somehow leaked, forcing Microsoft to announce the tour. 

The "Area One" tour presents Xbox One fans with an exclusive opportunity to get there hands on a pre-launch Xbox One and also the ability to test some games like; Forza Motorsport 5, Ryse: Son of Rome, and Dead Rising 3. Here is a list of "Area One" cities and dates, as listed on the Xbox official website.

Xbox Official Website HERE
Even though I am not huge Microsoft or Xbox One fan, I do still want to see this tour go well from them as Microsoft and the Xbox One Dev-team have made one thing clear in all of the craziness that surrounded the Xbox One's early announcements. They are willing to go the extra mile for there fan base. For now.

Gamestop's Pre-order Special on Beyond: Two Souls

In case you haven't figured out yet, I am becoming more and more a fan of the new Sony game as I get to see the trailers and in-game footage. I find myself eagerly awaiting the unraveling of the plot as I dive deeper into the psyche of the protagonist and her "invisible" friend. After receiving the pleasure to play heavy rain and to be swept away in a story where I was the supplier of most of the answers to my own questions. I can only hope that Beyond: Two Souls will be able to give me that same satisfaction. With each new image, trailer, and press release, I found that I am beginning to believe that this project will be the magnum opus of gaming that we've been waiting for. The realization may not come quickly, but give it time and like a tree planted by the water, strong roots will make it unmovable.

Joystiq Article Found HERE
So, if you are as interested in this game as I am, you should check out Gamestop's pre-order special that gives you a free upgrade from the regular edition of the game to the Special Edition for free. In order to received the upgrade you will have to pre-order the game before its launch date on Oct. 8. For more information and scenes from the Special Edition trailer of Beyond: Two Souls check out the previous Rushed News episode titled, Valve's New Controller Announcement.

Rush Gaming New & Reviews is Partnered with the Vultra Gaming Network

I am so excited to inform you guys that my youtube channel, Rush Gaming News & Reviews, is now a part of the Vultra Gaming Network, which will allow me to monetize my videos and give me commercial rights to host gaming content. This represents an enormous leap forward in my endeavors to host quality and unique content, and to increase the reputation of the Rush Gaming brand. To that end, I will need your support and constructive criticisms to help get the brand out there and to ensure its community is welcoming to all. I took the first step alone, and now I need your continuing help to keep raising the bar! Thank you for your support! Thank you, Vultra, for seeing in me a desire to bring to the forefront great quality content!

Check Out Vultra HERE

Friday, September 27, 2013

Valve's Controller Announcement

Rushed News - Valve's new controller, Mighty No.9 Adds vita and 3ds support to stretch goals, and Sony releases a Special Edition trailer for their new title Beyond: Two Souls. 

Valve's New Controller

The only thing I could think to say when I saw Valve's new controller was "really?", and I feel like that was a very appropriate response. Now, not to teared down the walls before I check the lock on the door, but the design of this thing is hideous. Who would want to set their controller down on their coffee table, to then feel like it is staring at you awaiting you hands to cuddle it again. Not me. I know that analog sticks are rapidly becoming the "old timey" way to move around in games, but with all of this touch sensitive technology infiltrating the gaming industry, I can't help but feel a little worried.

Valve's Controller Article HERE
 I trust Valve as company to be looking out for gamers better interest, not best just better, but did it have to come at such a steep price? All I wanted from Valve's controller was something that would feel nice in my grubby gaming hands and something that is nice to look at. Since I can't hold one, yet, I have no idea how well its going feel in my gaming mittens, but for me it definitely fails in the looks department

Mighty No9 Stretch Goal Update 

Having shared many gaming experiences with the old side-scrolling action/adventure game Mega-man (or Rocman if you are native of that term), I was more than excite to see Keiji Inafune fall back on his roots and bring us another Mega-man. I know that Might No9 looks exactly like Mega-man and I 'm sure that hardcore Mega-man fans will be upset the staggering similarities, but I am confident that Mighty No9 will innovate the old-school side-scrolling style games for the better. 

Kickstarter Page HERE
The real question is,"should I support the game's release on a platform that I will not play on?" I believe that question is a double-edge sword. The reason I say that is on one hand why would I want to spend extra money for the game even though it already has enough to be made, but then on the other, with extra money wouldn't that mean more resources for them to make a better game? Decisions, decisions, I have already mine. What's yours?

Beyond: Two Souls - Special Edition Trailer

I am already looking forward to Beyond: Two Souls. So, to see this trailer didn't nothing for me, except make me want it all the more. I love the premise and I love the fact that the game industry is opening up to allow more that just what we normally call voice-actors into the fray. Seeing Ellen Page and Willem Defoe being a part of video game encourages me to look to the future of what is possible with the medium and how it can influence generations for years to come. 

With that intensely open interpretation I bid you all a fantastic evening and encourage you to also look ahead to the future and be proud that you are a gamer.

WildStar Ability Mechanics- Rushed News

Rushed News - Wildstar released another Devspeak video, Microsoft gets scared of Valve's "Steam Machines", and FF13's Lightning will be making an appearance in FF14:ARR.

Wildstar DevSpeak Video

As a long time follower of Carbine studios's Wildstar, I am always happy to see more progress and more discussion on the game. From its zany sense of humor, infinite charm, and awe-inspiring job/class system, what's not to love about the project? Another reason I have become such an avid follower of the game is because of its interests in tailoring a game to an individual while at the same time creating a world that could meet the gaming needs of millions. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to support the game. More importantly, though, you as the consumer will be sending a powerful message to publishers and developers that we the gamers can help make the game better. All you have to do is ask.

DevSpeak Video HERE
 Wildstar's DevSpeak is a video series centered on presenting the subtle but necessary differences to help the game stand out amongst hundreds of MMOs. In their latest video, titled "Ability Mechanics," Wildstar is shown to be separate from the standard "ability types" e.g; Instant, Cast time, and Channel.
Instead Wildstar brings us a much more hands on approach towards abilities by charging up abilities by holding down a button, allowing us to release said button in order to make a hasty escape, and  erging players to chase down enemies without giving up there channel abilities.

Microsoft Scared of Valve's "Steam Machines"

Garnering the support of millions of gamers has given Valve a powerful voice in the gaming industry. Powerful enough to challenge even the biggest of the gaming behemoths with a wink, a smile, and a army of bitter gamers who feel that the top dogs need to share a little something to the mutts. I'm pretty sure that Microsoft had this idea on there radar months before Valve made any announcements, and when Valve spoke up, Microsoft entered DEFCON2. However, as the Valve fan-boy that I am, I proud to support and encourage new ideas when it comes to gaming, and Valve's push for making hardware is what the industry needs.  

Gamespot Article HERE
As gaming entered into the modern generation the old classics have begun to fade away like Sega. Even Nintendo is finding it difficult to keep up the older gamer fan base of Xbox's and Playstation's, relying on kid games and kid friendly devices. Now, we have Valve ushering in a new wave of pc/console hybrids that will begin to unify gamers under one banner. Guess who finds that disconcerting... Microsoft's Corporate VP Phillip Harrison who, in an interview with Eurogamer, said, "The announcement was only made last night so I'm still studying all the facts Valve has released. but Valve is a very impressive company, and obviously we're going to be watching what they do with great interest."

Lightning will appear in Final Fantasy 14:ARR

Ever wanted to see Final Fantasy 13's Lightning randomly pop up in your favorite new MMO, well here's your chance! A recently released trailer shows footage of a Lightning and two of the Eidolons from FF13 in the newly released Final Fantasy 14: ARR. The Trailer also shows what appears to be a line of female characters wearing Lightning outfits with one very depressed looking male wearing a Snow outfit. 

I did a little bit of research on this and discovered via a great video my Mr.Happy that there are apparently going to be story based reasons as to how Lightning suddenly popped into this radically different realm. Now I am a fan of the SquareEnix cross-over as much as the next person but this is a bit much. I would much rather have purchasable Lightning, or other character, outfits that I could get in-game just for the nostalgia's sake of doing it. However, as much as my brain wants say no and shun its ever-increasing curiosity of how they are going to pull it off, I will keep an objective mind and try to enjoy content as much as possible.   

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Guild Wars 2 Free Trial- Rushed News

Rushed News Sept. 25th - Guild Wars 2 Free Trial, Valve reveals new "Steam Machines, and Every Sci-fi Starship in one picture

Guild Wars 2 Free Tria

Arenanet, creators of Guild Wars 2, the no-subscription MMO, have released plans for a free to play trial period, beginning Sept. 27th and ending Oct 3. A clever time to have the trial ends as Arenanet also announced the release date of it most recent permanent content patch titled Twilight Assault, which goes live Oct. 1. That give two days to experience all of new content just recently added, but at the same time, unless you can level super-humanly fast, you will be far too busy explore all that the land of Tyria has to offer you. It is important to note though that Guild Wars 2 is a buy once game and what I mean by that is, you won't have to keep forking up the cash to play the game like other MMO's. Drop your $49.99 for the game and that's it! Enjoy your stay in Tyria!

Guild Wars 2 Charr Engineer
I personally have had a great time with this game, whether I was a Charr, Human, Norn, Asuran, or Sylvari. In case you were wondering the gameplay footage is Guild Wars 2. It is the starting zone for new Sylvari players. My personal favorite race to play was the Norn, but I based that on my affinity for Viking culture.

Valve Reveals New Hardware

In an article released by Gamespot, the software company Valve has confirmed that it is working to create hardware in addition to its recently revealed SteamOS. The hardware was referred to as "Steam Machines," and the company described them saying," a powerful new category of living room hardware." Valve announced that it plans to ship out 300 "Steam Machines" to select Steam users, free of charge, for testing. Registration ends on Oct. 25th, so you still have a month to get your particulars in order for a fighting chance at getting one of these brutes.  

It certainly looks like Valve is placing pretty little red and white target circles on anyone it can find. First, Valve announced earlier that is was in process of developing a new Linux-based OS in retaliation to Microsoft's complacency of gamers and Window's push to be more mobile friendly (essentially all there is to Windows 8, minus some Aero updates). Now, Valve is challenging the big dogs of gaming, the consoles. Since Microsoft is already on the top of Valve's hit list, I'll over look the attack on the Xbox One, but to go up against Sony's new PS4? God, help them. I mean that too. I have been a supporter of Valve ever since I became really serious about gaming as more than just a hobby. 

Every Starship Available In One Picture

If you have ever sat down on your couch, lain on your comfy bed, or graced the porcelain throne and wondered to yourself what a Star Destroyer would look like compared to the Starship Enterprise. Put your wondering brain cells to rest and feast your sci-fi eyes on this.

Zoom-in Click Here

That's right! Its a giant picture of every iconic starship ever made. From the behemoths of the Star Wars expanded universe to Firefly's tiny, but still imposing Alliance ships, this picture's got them all. So, have fun picking apart the image and looking for your favorite ships!

That's all for news, have a fantastic day! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Dark Souls 2 Collector Edition - Rushed News

Rushed News - New Format, Dark Souls 2 Collector Edition, and Valve reveals the Linux-based SteamOS. 

New Format:

Being that I enjoy to give my opinions on the news as it arrives, I have discovered that if I express my opinions entirely in video form... It makes a really long video. So, in an effort to bring to concise opinionated news in a 3-4 min video, I have decided to launch a blog that will further allow me to, in more detail, express my opinions. 

All that being said, I want to remember that this is not just a news blog. I do and fully intend to continue giving my opinions of the news, in a way that I believe would be fair to all parties involved. Just please remember, I'm doing this to have fun so try to have fun with me!

Dark Souls 2 Collector Edition

In an article released by Joystiq on Sept. 22nd, per-orders on Amazon for the Dark Souls II (Collector's Edition) - PlayStation 3 Collector's Edition Edition, have gone live. Now, I have expressed many times before just how enthusiastic I am about Dark Souls 2, but at $119.99 is all that Dark Souls 2 glory worth the cash...? Umm, Yeah!

Included in the Package is a 12" Warrior Knight figurine, wielding two very-tidy swords, a Hardbound art-book of images from the development process, a full-color microfiber map (not sure how practical it is) displaying the game world, and the Black Armor steel case housing both the game disc and its original soundtrack.

However, if the price tag scares you away, fret not my children for I bring you the pre-order for Dark Souls II (Black Armor Edition) - PlayStation 3 Black Armor Edition Edition, at a very smooth $59.99!

Though not quite as fancy this Black Armor Edition includes the collectible metal case that houses both the game disc and the original soundtrack! Its kind of a two-for-one thing!

Valve Reveals SteamOS

In an article released by Gamespot on Sept. 23rd, Valve, a studio responsible for the beloved Half-life and Portal games and the Steam service have announced a new Linux-based operating system they call SteamOS. It was made in light of Microsoft's growing complacency of gamers and the updates that Windows needs to its DirectX files. SteamOS is the first operating system to be entirely focused on utilizing the computer for gaming.

I shouldn't really have to say much here, as I am primarily a PC gamer, but this is flippin' awesome! I have been waiting for something like this for years and, I have to say, I couldn't imagine a better studio than Valve making something like this. With their focus on gamers since the beginning, Valve is prove time and time again that it wants to help change the medium of gaming for the better. I, for one, am a believer! 

Dont forget to Like my Facebook page, Subscribe to my Youtube channel, and Follow me @ rgnewsandreview

How To Beat:

Major Elemental of Light in Aarklash: Legacy

The Back Story

After having defeating the boss, Mornstar, in map1, the heroes learn that their guild, The Goldmongers has now just been disbanded by the decree of the barons. The nearest Goldmongers outpost takes them through the mountains and forces them to trek dangerous close to the forces of the Lion. As they make their way, the group notices a series of statues that appear to be able to rotate. Turning all of the statues so that they point towards the center of clearing, the Major Elemental of Light is summoned!

The Boss: Major Elemental of Light

The Major Elemental of Light is Magic damage boss with medium damage output, the primary reason you could be having trouble with this boss is that she is able to summon ranged minions that regain 300 hp/s. The secondary reason is that the Elemental of Light has an ability called Storm of Light, this ability is dangerous because it is able to propagate to up to 3 enemies if they are within 4m of the intended target. Another reason is her ability called Word of Strength, this ability is triggered when the Elemental is dropped below 50% HP. With Word of Strength, the Elemental drains her sparkling minions to bring herself back up to full HP and then enrages herself by permanently adding 80 points of attack damage and 25% more attack speed. Be sure to check the Elemental's other abilities but watch for these ones.

The Battle:

Here are the steps you should take to ensure your victory!
  1. Position Knokka(tank) directly in front of the Elemental; drop the self-heal, and the armor buff; the taunt is optional but the Elemental will attack whoever is closest (so position your tank correctly and save the HP of using the taunt ability.
  2. Keep Denzil(DPS) close to the action but be sure to monitor his HP as his armor is really low (especially watch out for the Storm of Light ability as it will propagate if you are too close to the target.
  3. Ensure that Wendaroo(Heals) maintains a steady line of sight with Knokka, to heal her, and always drop a leech grain on the Elemental  at the beginning of the fight for extra healing.
  4. Let Nella(RangedDPS) hang back and pummel the Elemental with Celestial Blows, in later difficulties like Hard or Ragnarok, use Nella's knockdown to interrupt the Elemental's Pillar of Energy ability.
Video of How To Beat: Major Elemental of Light

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How To Beat: The Chimera in Aarklash Legacy

How To Beat:

 The Chimera in Aarklash Legacy

The Back story of the Chimera Fight

After meeting Leck Lorus at the beginning of map2, your party is lead on a mission to defeat The Chimera that has been released by Allahan to kill all of the Wheelswords and the Goldmonger guild. Leck Lorus explains that he is deeply upset by the beast's presence and vows to use his remaining power to weaken the beast so that you may defeat it.

The Boss: The Chimera

The Chimera starts out the fight by leaping onto the battlefield from an beneath the ground your party is standing upon. At first, its relatively high HP and MP make the boss look like a long drawn out fight, but that is where this boss will surprise you.

Be EXTRA careful of the Column of Light ability if the Chimera has even one passive buff active, for that ability will instantly kill your party if you are within 20m of the Chimera. The only two ways to beat it is to interrupt the incantation with Nella's Knockdown ability, or to steal the buffs using Denzil's Mystical Theft. I found the knockdown to be more reliable.

The Strategy

The Chimera is nasty opponent to be fighting this early on in the game only because of its instant death ability, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. Here are the steps you need to take in order to defeat this pain-in-the-butt of a boss.

  1. Ensure that your Tank(Knokka) is buffed, taunting, and is in line of site of your Healer(Wendaroo).
  2. Queue up your DPS(Denzil)'s Cut-throat ability after you target The Chimera with Mystic Theft.
  3. Keep your RangedDPS(Nella) outside of the Chimera's passive ability to consume MP. Be sure to save enough MP for Nella's Knockdown ability!
  4. Keep an eye on Wendaroo's MP! Her MP doesn't regain so if she is within range of The Chimera's passive, your will have to unnecessarily use Wendaroo's MP Conversion ability to keep her MP high enough to heal your tank.
Best of luck!

The Video of How To Beat: The Chimera - Aarklash Legacy

For more of the Aarklash Universe, check out Cyanide Studio's Confrontation!
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